Fariborz Sharifian Jazi

Director of Gam Educational Institute

Georgia University Professor

Cutting-Edge Research Developer

Scholarly Journal Editor-in-chief

Fariborz Sharifian Jazi

Director of Gam Educational Institute

Georgia University Professor

Cutting-Edge Research Developer

Scholarly Journal Editor-in-chief


Scientific secretary of the first international microscopic competition

Dr. Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was the scientific secretary of the first international microscopic competition, which was held at Amirkabir University of Technology. The conference brought together researchers from 200 countries around the world. I was responsible for the overall organization and planning of the conference, as well as the scientific content of the presentations.

Top lecturer in Iran at Sana Medical Sciences Institute

Dr. Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was honored as the top lecturer in Iran at Sana Medical Sciences Institute, a large medical education institution with over 110 branches across the country. The award was presented to me by national TV presenter “Ali Zia” at a national festival.

Nano Bioactive glass Industrialization production

National TV interview for nano bioactive glass production in Pilot-Scale

Television Interview on the Successful Achievement of the National Project: Pilot-Scale Production of Novel Composition Bioactive Nanoglass for the First Time in the World. This project was completed in 9 months by Dr. Fariborz Sharifian Jazi and was the result of his doctoral dissertation.

Selected as the national talent of 2015

In this competition, Dr. Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was selected as the National Elite due to my high scores in inventions, ISI articles, and published books, as well as my first-place ranking in bachelor’s and master’s degrees. I was also awarded a gold plaque and a crystal cup.


Radio Interview as a National Inventor

Dr. Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was interviewed on Radio Javan as a part-time lecturer at Amirkabir University of Technology and as a national inventor. To hear this fascinating interview, you can listen to the audio file.

First Rank Innovator

Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was awarded First-Rank Innovator in the national IDEASHOW competition for his invention of Manufacturing gas sensors for industrial and domestic applications.

Inventor of Silver Containing Tin Oxide Nanocomposite Sensors

Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was interviewed on national television about my achievements as a national inventor for the production of composite nanosensors in gas sensor applications. In this interview, I discussed the challenges and successes of my research, as well as the potential applications of my work.

Radio Interview as a Young Scientist at the Age of 32

Dr. Fariborz Sharifian Jazi was interviewed on Radio Isfahan at the age of 32 as a young scientist. The interviewer asked me about my goals, achievements, and plans. I was happy to share my thoughts and experiences with the audience.